Centre for Bioinformatics and Intelligent Medicine-Platforms
Biomedical Data Center
In order to make a breakthrough in the standardized integration and fusion technology of biomedical big data, the center has developed indexing, storage management, and search access technology of biological big data and carried out research on medical big data processing and analysis technology for major diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, tumor diseases, and regional medical and health.
Database of microorganisms
Integrate international microbiological data resources, construct genomic databases of disease-causing microorganisms, develop efficient bioinformatics methods for sequencing data quality control, alignment, assembly, and annotation, and establish a big data analysis and mining platform for disease-causing microbiology.
Application of artificial intelligence
Establish a semantic and dynamically updated co-integrated knowledge base for synthetic biological systems. Build an engineering trial-and-error optimization platform based on reinforcement learning and other models with continuous learning capability. Perform the closed-loop design and validation, "design-construct-test-learn" in transcriptional regulation, enzyme catalysis, immune signaling, and other application scenarios.
Genome,phenome,and other multi-omics
By integrating and analyzing multi-omics data such as the genome, transcriptome, and phenome, we can analyze the structure and mechanism of life and the molecular factors of diseases, and complete the accurate measurement of living substances and the systematic interpretation of individual phenotypes, diseases, and health information.